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Mygalomorphae Theraphosidae
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Avicularia diversipes (C.L. Koch 1842) known previously only from its original description is redescribed along with Avicularia sooretama sp. nov. and Avicularia gamba sp. nov. The three species are endemic to Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. With other Avicularia species, they share a procurved anterior eye row, slender embolus and medially folded spermathecae, whereas they have unusual characters, such as a very long and spiraled embolus (A. diversipes) and spermathecae with multilobular apex (A. sooretama sp. nov.).

Středa, 23 Únor 2011 21:49

Trapdoor theraphosids

Written by Zoltán Mihály Lestyán

...is there such a thing? The answer is: yes. The phenomenon when a spider covers its burrow with a so-called "trapdoor" is well known and characteristic in some mygalomorph families (e.g., Antrodiaetidae, Ctenizidae) and in the family Liphistiidae, but we can also find a few examples of this behaviour in the tarantula family: Theraphosidae.

Pondělí, 14 Únor 2011 22:42

Poecilotheria gynandromorf

Written by Stefan Phalagorn Bergström

Slovo gynandromorf (gynandromorph) pochádza z gréčtiny: gyne znamená samica, andros znamená samec a slovo morph znamená tvar. Gynandromorf je zviera, ktoré je napol samica a napol samec. Tieto zvieratá majú aj samčie aj samičie pohlavné orgány a často majú charakteristiky pohlavného dimorfizmu (rozdielne sfarbenie u samca a samice). Gynandromorf nemá nič spoločné s hermafroditom, je to len zriedkavá genetická vada, vyskytujúca sa u hmyzu a článkonožcov.

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